Structured Vs. Unstructured The Debate On Big Data


There has been an ongoing debate on which type of big data is better–structured or unstructured. Although it may seem self-explanatory, there is more to the advantages and purposes of each type of data.

According to Master Data Services company Profisee, structured and unstructured data can have specific uses on each company. Some of the questions you have to consider when choosing the type of big data in your company would be:

  • What type of information do you need? By understanding the key differences in structured and unstructured data, you can also pick which type of information would dominate your company data.
  • Do you need an efficient way to store your data? This is a common dilemma for businesses that want to grow. Structured data is often retrievable by data management software when stored correctly.
  • If you have specific uses for each, how will you manage it? Many companies would need both structured and unstructured data. The question for them is how to integrate and organize both types.

Understanding each type of data

As mentioned earlier, structured and unstructured data both have advantages and specific purposes. The type of big data you will use depends on the needs of your company as well.

  • Structured Data: Often linear type of information, these are common fields on entry in company databases. Examples of these are names, date of birth, addresses, and contact numbers. It is easily searchable and accessible even across various platforms.
  • Unstructured Data: This information is often found in bigger quantities of text, visuals, or other types of media. They are used for reports, creating content, and detailed descriptive records.

Now that you have a clearer picture on these types of data, you can settle the debate regarding what to use in your business.

Settling the debate: How to integrate structured data, unstructured data, or both in your business

Using structured data

If you plan to use predominantly structured data, you need a Master Data Services company that can help organize and store your business information.

As your company grows, it is inevitable to have larger databases. Relying on manual methods can cause errors which may lead to customer frustration, errors in decision-making, and ultimately loss of profit.

When using structured data in your business, here are some general steps to follow:

  • List down all types of structured data you would need and each crucial sub-field
  • Integrate this information is a data management software
  • Create settings for easy retrieval and interpretation of information

Using unstructured data

As for unstructured data, it is also important to have data management software available. Although you may have the impression that this type of information is difficult to organize, it is definitely possible with these steps:

  • List down the types of unstructured data crucial for your business
  • Have tags and categorizations for each to add in your data management software
  • Add a link to the document where each unstructured data is accessible

In this manner, you can still retrieve and organize unstructured data within the software.

Using both types of data

Commonly, companies simultaneously use structured and unstructured type of data. To integrate both of these two types, the steps below are generally required:

  • Labeling unstructured data with an access link to the file
  • Labels of unstructured data can be added alongside structured data
  • Both types of information can now be accessible within the data management system

How you use structured and unstructured data is crucial to your business information accuracy and purposefulness. By keeping these steps in mind, you can create a smooth data management system in your company.